Kin Shōkyokushū

Kin Shōkyokushū

Collection of small pieces for kin

Recordings of nine pieces from the traditional repertoire.

Dafu and kin-playing by Japanese kin-player Muka Fushimi with Tobaya silk strings on a nameless kin. Recorded at Chūshi Kinsha, Kyoto, in the beginning of a new year.

The pieces come in the form of a unique download code embedded in a limited edition stab bound book which includes photography from Chūshi Kinsha and a poem by Tagami Kikusha.

The download code gives access to the recordings in a variety of digital audio formats of high resolution such as .wav, .aiff, and .flac as well as higher compression rates such as .ogg and .mp3.

edition of 100



1. Ōro bōki ‘Seabirds Forgetting Ulterior Motives’ from Seirokudō kintō

鷗鷺忘機 『西麓堂琴統』

2. Kinsho rakudō ‘Qin and Writings – a Way of Joy’ from Seiichidō Kinpu

琴書樂道 『誠一堂琴譜』

3. Rokumeisō ‘Deer’s Call Melody’ from Kingaku Sōsho

鹿鳴操 『琴學叢書』

4. Gyokuju rinpū ‘Jade Tree in the Wind’ from Kinpu Sekibi

玉樹臨風 『琴譜析微』

5. Seikangin ‘Song of Quiet Observation’ from Seiichidō Kinpu

靜觀吟 『誠一堂琴譜』

6. Shōin ‘Seeking Seclusion’ from Shinki hifu

招隱 『神奇祕譜』

7. Shūkeigin ‘Song for Purification Ceremony’ from Seirokudō kintō

修禊吟 『西麓堂琴統』

8. Shunkō banchō ‘Night Gazing at Spring River’ from Seirokudō kintō

春江晩眺 『西麓堂琴統』

9. Tōgengin ‘Song of Peach Tree Spring’ from Seiichidō Kinpu

桃源吟 『誠一堂琴譜』


dafu and kin-playing by Muka Fushimi 

calligraphy by Ōsawa Genka

mastered by Niklas Adam

recorded by Simon Roy Christensen 

photography, layout, and book design by Yukiko Nakayama

translation, editing, printing, and hand binding by untimely

published by untimely editions
